Special Issue 14: Medieval Forms of First-Person Narration: Narrativity and Discoursivity (Villa Vigoni Talks II)
ed. by Marco Grimaldi, Sylvie Lefèvre and Katharina Philipowski
One of the central features that medieval narratives in the first person have in common is their specific structure. Most of them are not continuously and coherently narrative, but in most cases include long discursive sections or textual elements such as letters, prayers, songs, or dialogues. The classification of these texts as narrative literature is thus anything but self-evident. The contributions to this volume examine how first-person discursivity and narrativity interact in French, German, and Italian narratives, what interrelation exists between the first-person narrative stance and discursivity, and how the literary forms of narrativity and discursivity (each of which is assigned a specific tense, namely the past tense and the present tense) relate to each other.


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